Friday, May 20, 2016

Adult Coloring Pages, Stress Relief, PTSD relief..

This has been a fun week with coming up with ideas to draw. The reason I'm starting this is because this helps people relax from PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  This is for all my military stressed peeps. This is my way of helping. My joy in helping. To all my military peeps you are all my hero's so if my drawings can help you relax and enjoy coloring.. This makes me happy.
 This is my first version of my horn girl then I redrew her for Etsy.  It's not exactly like the first one but Its a run off so I could add more for the person getting her can have more to color. Then my coworker colored the last picture. Too cute right?

These can be found on my etsy.

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Food Truck Army Serves Truckers across the USA fighting against the Covid19 Virus

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