Saturday, November 22, 2014

My Two Stories are NOW in Paperback

    Greetings peeps.
    I hope all is well with you and your families. I have great news. Forever Lost is now only .99 cents on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and Smashwords. IN PAPERBACK, only through Amazon and Barnes and Nobles which cost more unfortunately. If you grab a paperback, and want me to sign them we'll work something out.
   I also have a question.

   Do you as a reader like to read short stories, novella's or a novel? I have two short stories published and I've been working facebook, twitter, and instragram. I'm writing on a few things to get out there so I'm wondering if I should try for longer.
    Some authors do well with short stories, novella's. I know the big authors do great with novels. So I'm curious in what my reader prefers from me. I know I wish I could write faster and not have to work a regular job. It sucks my energy dry as I'm not a young chicken anymore.  Laughs.
    Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.

Paula V. Hardin

Come find me on Twitter, and Facebook and instragram.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Promoting without Badgering your Peeps.

Goodness, that is a hard thing to do. Being a new author I have very little followers. I have lots of people I consider friends on Facebook, but on twitter, and Instagram not so much. Twitter gives me the hives, and Instagram well that's a new thing all together. Oh and I love Google+ so many people, and Pinterest is massive and impressive.
 Now let's not talk about blogging. How many ways I can say, I'm working, I'm working, and I'm working without sounds redundant?
  On facebook I joined writer's groups to self promote, and sometimes I think it's just full of other authors pushing their books. But, I know I have dues to pay before building my own following. Someone just yesterday told me, ME that I was her mentor. I was giddy with pride and humbled beyond words.
   With that said, please understand that I'm just trying to be noticed. I do have rules, I only post twice a day. Like twitter and so forth so I'm not shoving things down your throat. I hope I can still reach peeps who would like to read my stories.
    Well for tonight, it's late and I'm really tired. I thought I'd come write but my pillow is calling. Much love, and I'm going to go check my stats on how many books I sold today. grins, it's addicting. Shrugs, I can't help it. It'll get old when sales die down, but it's so exciting to see a new hit.  These are my two e-books available on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and ITunes.


Monday, April 21, 2014

Well, I am shamed-faced sitting here, knowing I haven't been posting. I'm rolling my eyes in disgust, but I'm not a blogger by nature. I find my life boring, and I work a lot of hours to come in and tell you, "Well I worked all day, and tomorrow, I'd come back to say, yes another day at the grind." Grins, I think I can safely say, I live a boring life.

It's been since, 2012 that I self-published Forever Lost. I have been working on my second story and ran into a lot of problems with finding a editor. I finally found someone who is a English teacher, plus she's taught Creative writing, so my girl understand what is POV besides the grammar errors. Her name is Becky Highnote and her email is if your looking for an editor.

Now, for my exciting news!! The Unforeseen Rescue is now available online on Amazon, and here is the Link:


Food Truck Army Serves Truckers across the USA fighting against the Covid19 Virus

           United We Stand!!!  🇺🇸 ❤️ 🤍 💙 The reports are that truckers are getting much needed medical supplies to hospita...